Maya The Science Kid Podcast
This podcast is a recording of conversations with Maya during the drive time to and from school. A lot of time Maya has questions that she has been wanting to ask and we decided to share this so that others can learn what Maya is learning. The topics are all up to Maya and what she asks. And the answers should be appropriate for most elementary school kids.
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Drip, Bruh, and Other Words That Confuse Adults
Do middle school kids and their parents even speak the same language? Spoiler alert: probably not. In this episode, we’re diving into the wild, weird, and sometimes cringy world of slang! From “bruh” to “drip” and everything in between, we’re breaking down what kids are saying these days and how it stacks up against the stuff our parents used to say back in theirmiddle school days. Did their slang even make sense? (Spoiler: no.) We’ll laugh at how much words have changed and try to figure out why adults using kid slang just feels… wrong. Plus, we’ll find out if any old-school phrases are making a comeback. Tune in to learn, cringe, and maybe pick up a few new words to totally confuse your parents.